Thai AirAsia strives towards creating the best possible work environment and culture while fostering teamwork. We treat our staff with respect and acknowledge their individuality. Employment, promotion and transfer are all based on merit and with the aim that everyone can reach their full potential.

Human Resource Management Goals and Objectives

To be the Top 10 Airlines Globally and continue to be the best and largest airline group in ASEAN
To connect over 1 billion people throughout ASEAN by 2026

The Company policy of managing human capital and developing employee engagement and retention consists of the following:

Improving organisation effectiveness and efficiency
Create healthy succession pools (size & readiness) and high-potentail pools with the right skill sets
Building and sustaining a high-performing and productive workforce
Strengthening engagement, leadership & culture
Employment Structure

During 2023: Total number of Thai AirAsia employees was
4,962 persons, which were 630 new employees
Total remuneration of all employees in 2023 was
3,318 Baht million
Average of monthly salary per employee was
60,332 Baht
Remuneration ratio male : female
= 1 : 0.53

Employees by age, gendar and position 2023

Employees by nationality and base location


Customer Obsessed

A place for personal growth

Playing to win as a team

Wellbeing at work

A connected community

Respect for all

Human Rights Commitment

Thai AirAsia is committed to respecting human rights and does not practise discrimination in processes such as recruitment, does not use forced labour, does not engage in human trafficking and restricts employment of individuals under the age of 18 years. Human rights are further upheld through the Company’s resource management, employee training, work evaluation, fair payment practices, promotions and benefits, and welfare arrangement, all of which are stated in the Company’s Code of Conduct. Thai AirAsia has a committee that surveys, inspects, and recommends improvements against risks of human rights violations. It also has a plan to implement a human rights violation risk policy among its employees, contractors, and employed labourers.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity

Thai AirAsia maintains policies that promote a diverse, inclusive and equal work environment, viewing each employee as a valuable asset to its success. In light of this, the Company fosters a positive culture in which employees are treated with dignity and respect towards their individuality. Employment, promotions and transfers are based on merit and performance to ensure equal treatment and no discrimination against gender, age, ethnicity, origin, sexual orientation and disability.

Moreover, the Company complies with the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Act and has provided employment opportunities to 43 disabled persons. Thai AirAsia even received the 2023 Disabled Persons Employment Promotion award from Friendly Design for All Foundation.

Thai AirAsia focused on gender equality and diversity. In 2023, female employees comprised
38.6 percent
of overall employment and
14.6 percent
of management positions
(Manager Level and Head of Department Level).
Disabled persons employed (Persons)

Seniors over the age of 60 years are considered for employment only in cases in which the individuals possess specialised and necessary traits or skills, such as aeronautical engineers or flight instructors. The employment of individuals over 60 years of age is as follows:

Seniors over 60 employed (Persons)

Employee Satisfaction (eNPS: employee Net Promoter Score)

In 2023, the Company’s employee Net Promoter Score score was 32 with a target of 50. The People Development department maintains the following practices to encourage employee commitment to the Company and its future growth.

Employee Turnover

The Company aims to constantly improve employee engagement and retention, targeting a turnover rate of no more than 5 percent per year and the retention of employees in key positions to ensure its business continuity. The employee turnover rate in 2023 was 6.2 percent, a 1.5 percent increase from the previous year. The higher rate has nonetheless not impacted operations.

Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate (Target: <5%)

Employee Development

Thai AirAsia developed its Training Management System to facilitate the training of employees in work skills and competencies required by law, for the efficient staging of classes, recording of results and test scores, and to notify learners to review their lessons for the maintenance of operational licences. All employees are provided fundamental operational training in accordance with their department. Targets for training are as follows:

Total Number of Employees that received training 2023